Thursday, March 20, 2014

Before and after cupboard doors

Maybe as time marches on I will become more consistent with my posts. I hope so. We have been WAY too busy lately, but busy is good, so I'm thankful.

We are nearing the home stretch of a kitchen renovation for a friend. The old plywood cabinets were saved and painted. We added some trim and moulding, Then gave it a glaze finish. The homeowner worked on them right beside me. It was great to have her input!
LEFT: Getting trim-  RIGHT: Trimmed and painted
LEFT: Painted - RIGHT: Glazed

We will be off to work soon, more photos to come! Have a great day!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Where I Began...

I figured a suitable place to start would be at the beginning.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." Yes, this is what I believe, and without Him I wouldn't have a beginning. However, The "beginning" I am going to share is where I came from and how I arrived at the "litttle sqaure farmhouse". (Don't worry, it will be the short version!) ;)

 When I was four years old my parents moved my two older brothers and me to Wisconsin. We moved around a lot and lived in rental properties until  my parents bought a little square farmhouse in the country just outside of beautiful Maiden Rock. I was thirteen years old when we moved here, and when I was sixteen my parents added the last of my siblings to our family. At one time, there were eleven people living in this farmhouse. Yes, nine kids. Seven boys, 2 girls. We were home-schooled, so the house was busy  ALL. THE. TIME! The farmhouse was REALLY ugly when we first moved here. But it was home...It was our home.

Our home...and our transportation...(barf!)

I would lay awake at night and think about what I would do to the farmhouse if it were my own...

Fast forward, many years later.

My dad passed way, my mom finished raising the last six kids here, and was later remarried to a wonderful man from Kentucky.  The last of my siblings were moving away, and as this little square farmhouse was becoming empty, I became a divorced mom of two beautiful daughters and a full-time college student looking for a place to live.

In 2008, I moved back in and began renovations right away.